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    Zep ZUQCD32 Quick Clean Disinfectant, 32 oz Package, Liquid, Light Blue

    • Kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria, including cold and flu viruses
    • Eliminates common kitchen and bathroom bacteria
    • Eliminates common kitchen and bathroom bacteria
    • Antibacterial formula cleans and disinfects in one step
    SKU: Z003-01825
    Brand part number: ZUQCD32
    IN STOCK NOW : 2865
    Ships in 2-3 DAYS : 909
    Call For Price
    The one-step Quick Clean Disinfectant kills 99.9% of bacteria, including cold and flu viruses, in just five seconds. The multi-purpose disinfecting spray cleans any room in the house, cutting through tough grime, cleaning grease and eliminating odors, while leaving behind a clean, fresh scent. The cleaner is suited for all hard non-porous surfaces not harmed by water, including stainless steel, sealed granite, painted walls and countertops, making it ideal for use in homes, offices, schools and daycares, including kitchens and bathrooms.
    Products specifications
    Brand Zep
    Manufacturer AMREP, INC
    4.8 198
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    ANGEL | 5/27/2014 11:53 PM
    ZEP Knocks Out Competition
    ZEP Quick Clean is an all around the house cleaning product that has LOTS of uses! We owned an automobile shop and I would bring it home and use it because it works so well. It cuts grease like nobody's business. It cuts down on hard scrubbing and has a fresh, clean scent.
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    Bevybev | 7/2/2014 2:46 AM
    Cleans Great!
    Wow! I would highly recommend this product, it cleans like no other product that I have ever used! I even use this to mop my bathroom floor and it is great. I put a little in the bucket with water, but I also spray on our tile bathroom floor. Very nice shine afterwards as well. Great product guys!
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    CypressMoss | 7/22/2014 2:53 AM
    Zepping That Bacteria
    This is an awesome product! I'm a self-inflicted germophobe. So, imagine having to use the same facilities after others. The thought alone gives me the hebegebees. I was shocked when I found out other disinfectants require at least 1 min to sit before being wiped to kill bacteria. Yuck! Now, I use this disinfectant on the go and in the kitchen. Thanks Zep for reassuring my safety!!!
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    Racegirl | 7/23/2014 3:51 AM
    I love this product
    I love this product, I have always used Clorox Clean-up in the past, but my family complains about the strong smell, so I tried this Quick Clean Disinfectant and was pleasantly surprised with how quick this product works & no strong smell to bother my family. Thanks Zep for making another wonderful product
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    AYYTWO | 11/2/2014 5:13 AM
    loove it
    i used this product on my countertops and door nobs and anywhere a good disinfectant was smelled good and clean and looked like it too
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    MadelineB | 11/2/2014 8:22 PM
    timing is great
    I received samples of this product via Crowdtap and it could not have come at a better time. Spraying all the surfaces my daughter and grandchildren touch as they have all been sick ,sick,sick!! Leaving on vacation and really wish I could take with me to disinfect the airplane!!
    With all the colds and flu ,and the ebola scare amongst other things you can catch at this time of year ,I am grateful that Zep has me covered.
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    terryw | 11/3/2014 7:52 AM
    this is the best
    I got the samples to try of the Zep quick clean disinfectant and love it alot,it really works in our tub and the walls of the shower looked bad from the hard water we have and now they are shiny and also the stove and dishwasher look alot better too #ZepCleansters #sponsored #TryZep and it also gets rid of germs of the cold and flu virus at the same time
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    Amanda | 11/3/2014 9:45 PM
    woah no scrubbing
    My husband works in a field of work where there is always dirt,grime and grease so keeping the tub and sink clean is a chore in a half. so when i got this product for free from crowdtap i was so happy because i used it in the past and loved it. i sprayed it on and was able to quickly wipe nasty gunk away with leaving it sparkly clean. #zepcleansters #sponsored
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    Rach | 11/4/2014 2:28 AM
    Great product!
    I received this product from Zep and crowdtap for free. I have used it to disinfect the countertops and toilet in the bathroom. I also used it to clean,y granite counters in the kitchen. I love that it kills bacteria in 5 seconds. That is awesome for cold and flu season. I have thee little kids and germs spread quick around here, so I will be using this to help fight at my house. #ZepCleansters #sponsored
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    ccelaine | 11/4/2014 5:10 AM
    This product works great, makes me feel that my countertops, etc. are clean and more germs and a lot less flu this season...Would recommend this product to all, especially if you have children or elderly in your household. It brings peace of mind knowing how clean your house is...Thank you for the sample and would recommend purchasing this great product.....
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    RuthK | 11/4/2014 6:31 AM
    Loved It
    I have used this to clean my bathroom. I use it daily on my bathroom sink because the cats like to sit there and drink water from the faucet so I am happy it kills germs but it also keeps my bathroom shiny and clean. Since its cold and flu season Im also using it on my door knobs to keep germs away! #ZepCleanster Got a free sample from Zep and Crowd Tap #Sponsered
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    coopertoddmom | 11/5/2014 12:48 AM
    Kicked that potty training smell's butt!
    I'd been using off brand disinfectant/antibacterial wipes to clean up after my son's MANY misses while he is currently potty training... we still had that porta potty smell going on. I was skeptical of this cleaner since it's not strongly scented... boy was I wrong. If you could just smell my picture lol. You would be an instant believer. I got this product as a sample. #zepcleansters #sponosred
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    Tracy68 | 11/5/2014 12:57 AM
    Love my Zep cleaners
    I have used different products from Zep and I have yet to be disappointed. I received a sample of Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant from Zep #Sponsored through Crowdtap and tried it for the first time today. As with other products I have tried by Zep this was no disappointment! My bathroom is now sparkling clean and smells great! Thank you for the opportunity to try another great product from Zep! I am now officially in the group of #ZepCleansters !
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    JonellT | 11/6/2014 1:03 AM
    Love it
    I got this sample from CrowdTap and I simply fell in love with this product. I could not believe my eyes it was just peeling off the dirt, when other products just run over it like I didn't even put a cleaning product on it. The before and after shots where amazing and I am telling everyone about this product. Thank you CrowdTap and Zep for letting me try your product for free. #ZepCleansters I recieved this sample from Zep #Sponsored.
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    Hernandez | 11/6/2014 9:38 PM
    Great Cleaning
    Recently bought a stove and could not find the prefect cleaning solution. I received a sample and gave it a try. Leaves my stove clean and smelling good.
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    Monnie | 11/6/2014 10:17 PM
    Quick Clean Disinfectant
    I received a sample from Zep #Sponsored and I am in love with this disinfectant! Now that we are in flu season, I am able to kill germs and bacteria before they start. Not only did I use this in my bathroom, but also on door knobs and handles in the house. Even though it has no scent, the power in killing harmful germs will protect my friends and family. #ZepCleansters
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    Stryl | 11/7/2014 1:40 AM
    Good Product, More Variety would be nice
    The product works quickly, but I do wish it came in household scents, like citrus or fresh. Without having access to petri dishes, it is hard to judge the effectiveness of the product versus other similar products. The scent is not offensive as far as commercial cleaners go, however, and I think it would make a good addition to a household cleaning arsenal. #ZepCleansters

    I received a sample from Zep. #Sponsored
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    schugarbaby | 11/7/2014 4:10 AM
    I recieved a sample of this product #Zepcleansters #Sponsored through crowdtap. I love how clean and germ free this made my bathroom. Can't wait to use it more.
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    Erin | 11/7/2014 6:14 AM
    Perfect for cold and flu season!
    I love Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant because it's not harsh, but it's quick to destroy germs and very easy to use! I'll always have a bottle on hand, especially during the cold and flu season. I received free samples courtesy of Zep #Sponsored #ZepCleansters
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    grapeape402 | 11/7/2014 7:52 AM
    worked great!
    i received quick clean disinfectant as a free sample from zep to try! i used it to tackle my bathroom! and it did a great job on everything that i used it on! even the door frame where everyone puts their hands when leaving the bathroom! now i am hooked on this product now i have to go buy more! #ZepCleaners #Sponsored #TryZep
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    Chuck | 11/7/2014 9:35 PM
    Protect yourself in this cold and flu season
    As strong as Zep! Zept Quick Clean Disinfectant, when used regularly, will protect you from the cold and flu season. It kills 99.9% of bacteria in just seconds, and it's so easy to use. I received a sample from Zep, tried it and like it! Thanks, Zep! #ZepCleansters #Sponsored #TryZep
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    KateL628 | 11/7/2014 9:40 PM
    Great Disinfectant
    I really enjoyed using the Zep Disinfectant. It was easy to use and I know that it is helping to keep my home germ free-especially during winter time when everyone seems to get sick. Most disinfectants leave a strong odor behind but not Zep. It was nice to know that not only was I cleaning my surfaces but also had a great clean smell that it left behind. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone and I will continue to use it to keep my home germ free.

    #zepcleansters and I received the sample from Zep #sponsored
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    CarmenS | 11/8/2014 1:54 AM
    Cleaner and Disinfectant perfect together
    I had a chance to sample this product through #Crowdtap which is a me ember of The Word of Mouth Marketing Association. As a consumer I want a product that cleans fast and disinfects. Well, Zep did just that. Thank you.
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    ashmck8 | 11/8/2014 3:40 AM
    Germ Free!
    I tend to get sick a lot in the colder seasons so this is a lifesaver. It kills 99.9% of bacteria in just 5 seconds and not only that- it's a great cleaner too! I feel so much more protected after using this and ready to fight back this flu season. I received this product as a free sample from Zep. #ZepCleansters #Sponsored
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    DianeF | 11/8/2014 3:46 AM
    Awesome hard water cleaner
    I received a sample package of #Zep Cleansters frm Zep #Sponsored. (I tried to post pictures but could not from my tablet.) Hard water stains that had been impossible to remove came off easily with Zep All-Around Oxy Cleaner and Degreaser This worked for both the sink and toilet bowl.

    I like the nice fresh, nearly odorless scent, too. Most household cleaners have strong odors and give off fumes. Not #Zep Cleansters. I now will not have to purchase many different cleaning products when one Zep will do the trick!
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    Alisha | 11/8/2014 4:43 AM
    ZepCleanster for Life
    I just love the Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant. I was able to disinfectant my bathroom without the smell of harsh chemicals. I hate that I clean the bathroom and have to kick the kids out until the smell goes away. However, I did not have the problem with the Zep Quick Clean. Also, its a disinfectant that cleans. I hate buying multiple products. This is the product I will be using for everything. Especially since its cold, flu and allergy season.

    I received this product from @Crowdtap for review. However, my opinion of the product is 100% of my own.#ZepCleansters #Sponsored #Crowdtap
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    JTX1 | 11/8/2014 6:57 AM
    Absolutely love this cleaner, I'm a big germ freak, so this is right up my alley! It's perfect for the kids bathroom, that's probably where all the germs in my house hide! Haha! (I received a sample from Zep) #ZepCleansters #Sponsored
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    JericaL | 11/9/2014 12:24 AM
    No more germs
    I received this product from Crowdtap and Zep. This product worked better than I expected it to. I mainly used it on my table so far since I run an in home daycare, but it got the stuck on food and stains off the table easily. I was impressed. I love the fact that it's only supposed to take 5 seconds to kill germs. I have actually sprayed my toys and handles with it also. This product is great! #ZepCleansters #Sponsored #TryZep
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    Joanna | 11/9/2014 7:14 AM
    #ZepCleansters super easy and NO CHEMICAL SMELL
    I got this product to test from #ZepCleansters and #Crowdtap. I was skeptical at first becuase usually cleaners that work, smell, and smell bad! This product does not smell at all so I don't have to worry about my children breathing in harsh fumes. I tested it in our bathroom, specifically our sink. It cleaned well and didn't leave streaks. I also used it around on the well loved surfaces since we have have had colds the last few weeks. I will get this product again! #Sponsored
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    snf83 | 11/9/2014 11:47 PM
    Works Great
    I got a free sample from Crowdtap. I was really excited to get to try this for the first time. Not only did it disinfect the area I cleaned, it made it shine and it cleaned with ease. I was really well pleased with this product and will definitely consider using it again in the future.
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    TXsunlover | 11/10/2014 2:14 AM
    Quick Clean made my home Germ Free with no odor!
    I use Zep Quick Clean to disinfect my sinks, countertops, toilet, doorknobs & any other surface that I want to be germ free now that the cold & flu season has arrived. It's so easy to just spray this on & then let it dry or wipe with a clean cloth. There is no bad odor like so many other disinfectants have so it's nice to use in any room. I'm definitely going to buy a full-sized bottle of this to keep on hand. I received a free sample from ?#?TryZep? ?#?Crowdtap? ?#?ZepCleansters? ?#?sponsored
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    Hezzy | 11/10/2014 10:18 PM
    I Love Zep!!
    I got a sample of ZEP from Crowdtap. I was skeptical at first, but wow! it sure cleans really well! Also, I love that it doesn't smell really strong like chemicals and the scent is decent smelling, unlike other products. A lot of products irritate my skin and this one did not. I will be buying Zep for now on! #ZepCleansters #Sponsored #TryZep
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    Aeknerr | 11/10/2014 11:10 PM
    I can feel the differece
    Recently I have been using disinfectant wipes for my countertops, but I decided to give Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant a try after receiving a free sample through Crowdtap. Man, can I feel the difference! Not only do my countertops n my bathroom and kitchen look sparkly clean, but they don't leave the residue like the wipes do. It's been a few days and the countertops STILL feel as clean as when I first used this product! #ZepCleansters #Crowdtap #Sponsored
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    JulieDearth | 11/10/2014 11:36 PM
    My experience with using this product from Crowdtaps Sampeling
    After receiving this sample from Zep#Sponsored I was amazed on how good it really worked and with the pictures of before and after shows just how good this product worked, I also am so happy to know that it not only cleaned my bathroom It killed bacteria in just 5 Seconds! the pictures show the truth #ZepCleansters
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    Shosha | 11/11/2014 5:32 AM
    I was fortunate to receive a Sample of Quick Clean Disinfectant & Zep All-Around OXY Cleaner & Degreaser from Zep #ZepCleanersters. I first fell in love with the easy sprayer, it comes out quickly and directly.

    I used the All-Around Cleaner just everywhere, from kitchen applicances, my mirrors, the toilet, table tops, and so on. Once I got started, I couldn't stop as my house went from dim to shiny & fresh.

    I next tried the Disinfectant. Same great easy sprayer. I was actually recovering from a cold, so I grabbed the remote controls, my cell phone, went around to numerous places I know I touched like faucets, cabinets, etc. I could just see the germs melt away from the way it looked, and the clean smell.

    I also gave a sample of each to my mother, who is a germaphobic. I swear, her house is like a museum! Being a creature of habit, it took her several days until she would even consider trying it. But, after she just used the All-Around Cleaner, I noticed she now keeps it right on the counter top....nothing at her house sits right on the counter top! She loved the fresh, sort of citrusy smell also.

    The only reason why I didn't give it 5-Stars, it that the All-Around Cleaner left some streaks when cleaning glass & mirrors. I'd say a 4.8/5!

    These products are perfect timing for the cold winter months living in Illinois. #Sponsored #TryZep
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    WendyM630 | 11/11/2014 9:15 PM
    Clean Like A Pro
    I received this #ZepCleansters sample from Crowdtap and loved it. It worked great cleaning everything from my bathrooms to my kitchen. Knowing it disinfects and kills 99.9% of bacteria in just 5 seconds is just amazing. With cold and flu season upon us and having a 2-year-old grandson, it's important to me to have a cleaner that not only works great, but also disinfects at the same time. Zep #Sponsored #TryZep
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    LizH | 11/11/2014 10:48 PM
    Helping to keep my family healthy from germs
    I was so excited to be chosen to receive my free Zep Quick and Clean Disinfectant Spray from Zep #Sponsored and #Crowdtap. As a mother with three children, I worry about bacteria and gems with the cold and flu season here. I want to protect my family as much as possible. As you can see in my pictures I used my Zep Quick and Clean Disinfectant Spray on areas that I felt that would contain bacteria and gems. I love how Zep Quick and Clean Disinfectant Spray cleaned and disinfected and kills 99.9% of bacteria in just 5 seconds. I am more confident now knowing that I am doing more to help prevent my family from getting sick. Thanks Zep for making a great product that I am proud to use!! #ZepCleansters #Sponsored
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    Fairy | 11/12/2014 12:44 AM
    Germ Free and Living Happy
    I received a sample from Zep via Crowdtap and used it on my sink area to start. I would highly recommend the Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant. It took the grime right off and left it not only shiny but germ free. Within 5 seconds and it kills 99.9% of bacteria! Everyone has to love that! Thank you Zep #Sponsored #ZepCleansters
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    lovethe48 | 11/12/2014 2:14 AM
    So impressed!!
    I received a sample from Zep to try, and I am SO glad I did!
    I really like the fact that Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant is SO easy to use and that it kills 99.9% of germs, including the Flu virus. I also like the sample size and the portability of this size, I don't know if Zep is planning on selling/marketing this smaller size, but I have been taking one of my sample sized bottles in to work with me and wiping down the counters and phones, and other things that are used by multiple people. I can think of so many uses for this! Really impressed!
    #ZepCleansters ##Sponsored #TryZep
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    paupoljr | 11/12/2014 7:40 AM
    Quick Clean Disinfectant
    I got my zep product from crowdtap. I was surprised at how well the it cleaned up the grease and it disinfected my kitchen. I am very impressed with this product and how well it made my kitchen look. I am so happy that I got this product #zepcleansters #sponsored
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    ShenikahD | 11/12/2014 7:48 AM
    Zep All Around Oxy Cleaner and Degreaser
    I was very impressed with this sample I received from @Zep and @Crowdtap ?#?ZepCleansters? ?#?Sponsored? ?#?TryZep?, this product worked better than I thought it could, I was totally amazed at the great job it did.
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    Stacie | 11/12/2014 8:49 PM
    Zep is AMAZING!!
    I was chosen to receive a free sample of Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant in my home and I must admit that I am amazed with this product!! I used this product to clean my bathroom (from ceiling to floor) and I couldn't be happier with the results. Everything is now germ free, which is special for the cold and flu season. I will definitely be purchasing this item!! Well done Zep!! #ZepCleansters #Sponsored @ZepCommercial
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    Stovetop | 11/12/2014 10:35 PM
    Thumbs up
    I was very excited to receive samples from #Zepcleansters and #Crowdtap #sponsored to sample and review. We don't have Zep up where I live currently but if we did I would certainly by it after testing it out on some of my surfaces. One thing I noticed was it did not have a harsh chemical smell,which being from the country..I want to smell the country not chemicals. I tried it out on my bathroom sink so that when the grand-kids come for thanksgiving,I can rein in the germs.
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    jent252002 | 11/12/2014 11:44 PM
    Love it! Great cleaning and disinfecting product, that even smells clean! Now just hoping the price is right, when I go look for it in the store!
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    kpreachers | 11/13/2014 8:54 PM
    Great for a house with pets!
    I got a sample of this from Crowdtap. I have two cats and they make a mess. I cleaned up around their litter pan and the sink area that they walk on and it worked great. I will keep using this and buy more when the sample runs out. #ZepCleansters #Sponsored
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    RondaS | 11/13/2014 9:55 PM
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant
    I'll be honest, I originally was not interested in Zep because of the "commercial" aspect to their products. However, it was somewhat of a relief to receive my sample from #Crowdtap as three weeks of what felt like The Plague came to an end in my household. I had already cleaned everything, but my OCD nature kept whispering that the germs were still there, hiding in plain sight. It was with no hidden glee that I attacked my seemingly clean surfaces with Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant - the two most important words here being "Quick" and "Disinfectant". The scent was pleasantly surprising, because I'd feared it would be strong and it wasn't at all. The spray wipes off cleanly, leaving no streaks, and I am confident it took all the germs to wherever little germs go when they leave this world. Thank you for helping calm my inner clean freak, Zep! Proud to be #ZepCleansters #Sponsored
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    ChantalH | 11/14/2014 12:37 AM
    Love this product!
    What more can I say about Quick Clean Disinfectant it works! I love the fact it kills germs fast and cleans very well. I used it in my bathroom. Which we all can agree is not the cleanest place with #ZepCleansters its a must have for your home. So go and #TryZep you will be very satisfied. thank you both for my chance to test out this great product #crowdtap
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    Christina | 11/14/2014 4:30 AM
    I absolutely love the Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant!!! This was the first disinfectant spray that ive tried that doesn't have a harsh smell! I give this product an A+++++++
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    marquita188 | 11/14/2014 10:25 PM
    super strong.
    i think that zep quick clean disinfectant work great, i find myself not having to scrub so hard to get rid of those hard to clean stains.
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    carly | 11/15/2014 2:16 AM
    Great Cleaner
    I really like this product! It cleans fast and with little scrubbing. It has a great fresh, clean scent. I recieved a sample from zep #sponsored. #zepcleansters
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    DoriG | 11/15/2014 4:58 AM
    Just what you need for cold & Flu season!
    I love the Zep Commercial Quick Clean Disinfectant I am sampling for free thanks to Crowdtap and Zep Cleansters! I am always looking for ways to keep my apartment germ free, but with a 6-year-old that is hard! With Zep Commercial Quick Clean Disinfectant I can win the battle! In just 5 seconds my toilet, sink, and counters are 99.9% germ free! I love that I can use it on all surfaces and I can just spray it and go! Such a fantastic product, it is definitely earning a permanent spot in my cleaning routine! I tried the product for free and my post is sponsored but my opinions are honest and my own!
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    aptmbt | 11/15/2014 10:51 PM
    Cleaning machine
    This stuff is amazing. Cleaned my bathroom this morning and you can smell the clean and it was easy and fast to use. Knowing that 99% of the germs are gone makes me feel great keeping my family safe and healthy this winter. #ZepCleansters. Received a sample from Zep #Sponsored.
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    KarenJD1 | 11/16/2014 4:10 AM
    Great Product
    I received a free product from Zep #Sponsored. This product is amazingly easy to use and got my bathroom really clean. I also used it on all the door handles, light switches, refrigerator handle and anything else we touch regularly. I wish I had this product a couple of weeks early before hubby and I got a cold. Now we will be germ free for the rest of the season with regular use of Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant. #ZepCleansters
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    Claribel | 11/16/2014 4:44 AM
    Absolutely marvelous!
    Got a sample of this product from Crowdtap and I absolutely love it, it works great!! #zepcleansters #sponsored #tryzep
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    NicoleH | 11/16/2014 7:38 AM
    i love this product. i had some spots on my counter that with other cleaners i would have to let soak and then scrub it but with quick clean i sprayed it on and let it sit for a minute and it wiped right off. i would recommend zep quick clean to my family and friends. i received a sample from zep #Sponsored
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    MissBree29 | 11/16/2014 7:40 AM
    Zep is STRONG!!!
    #sponsored #ZepCleansters i was chosen to sample this Zep quick clean disinfectant, and let me tell ya, its STRONG!!! only a little goes a long way!!! i don't feel residue, i feel like each room i cleaned was clean right away, not need to go over the same areas multiple times. i love crowd tap for introducing me to Zep, a brand i didn't know as much about before crowd tap, and its a brand that could fit will into my cleaning routine!!
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    mamakijaangugu | 11/16/2014 7:48 AM
    Love it
    I really like using Quick & Clean Disinfectant from Zep. I never used and knew about any product which cleans quick and kills germs too. I am impressed this product is great for flu and cold viruses. Being a mom of a toddler, I am more careful and worried when the weather changes. Cold and flu start it works. Using Quick Clean Disinfectant product in my home makes me feel mentally relaxed. I am not worried about the flu and cold viruses any more because now I have Quick Clean & disinfectant from Zep. I used it in my bathroom, garbage can, my son's high chair etc and it works amazing every where. I am so glad I received this product to try from Crowdtap. I told my friends and family about it. I would highly recommend it to everyone. #ZepCleansters #Sponsored
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    Swicky | 11/16/2014 10:01 PM
    Faster Than All The Rest
    I had no idea that other disinfectants toook so long to actually disinfect a surface. I received a sample of the Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant through Crowdtap and was thoroughly pleased with how well in cleaned and disinfected. The squirt bottle the sample came in was a little annoying because of how little it squirt, but I am sure a full sized bottle would cover the surface quickly and thoroughly. And it is such a relief to know that as soon as it is dry, it is clean and disinfected. Compared to other disinfectants, this is almost INSTANT results! I like the product and I would recommend it to others, especially during the Winter cold and flu season. #ZepCleansters #Sponsored #crowdtap
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    RobinS | 11/16/2014 11:17 PM
    Quick Clean disinfectant
    I cleaned my bathroom with this product I liked it although I couldn't get allot from the small samples .
    We have really hard water in my town and this did a good job removing it from the tub and sink.
    I liked that it did not have a strong smell and I didn't have to spray and run out of the bathroom until the smell went away.
    I feel it would do allot better job on my tub tile if I had the full size bottle.
    My friend also tried this product on her bathroom. She really liked it and plans to order these products. I will also order.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Kate88 | 11/17/2014 12:22 AM
    Germ Free
    I love how quick and simple this is to get a good clean. Worked super well on my bathroom sink. Like that all you have to do is wait two minutes then wipe it down with a dry cloth. Sink looked super clean afterwards.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    tam888 | 11/17/2014 12:47 AM
    Awesome Results!
    I received a sample of this and used it in my bathroom. It was amazing! Sparkling clean and shiny. I would highly recommend Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant!! #ZepCleansters #Sponsored.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Marissa | 11/17/2014 3:08 AM
    Great cleaning power!
    I received a sample of the Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant from Crowdtap, just in time for both my husband and son to get sick. I have been using it all over the house, from the bathrooms to the kitchen counters, and I love it! Not only does it disinfect, but it has great cleaning power as well. I used it to get all the germs and grime off the keyboard of our laptop. It was strong enough to get most of it off in one swipe, without even having to scrub! Zep will be my go-to product from now on! #ZepCleansters #Sponsored
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    CalshondraW | 11/17/2014 3:35 AM
    Great product
    I was selected by Crowdtap to receive the Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant to sample & give my feedback. I immediately wiped down my whole bathroom to disinfect and kill germs. I was impressed that product kills 99.9%of bacteria in 5 seconds. After using it I really feel my home is protected against germs. I also liked the clean deodorizing smell and it wasn't overwhelming. I would like to thank Crowdtap for introducing me to this great product. #TryZep #sponsored #ZepCleansters
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    SloanP | 11/17/2014 7:04 AM
    Fast acting, thorough cleaning!
    I received a sample of Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant because I am a member of Crowdtap. I really liked using the cleaner in my bathroom - I felt like it really did clean well and quickly. There was no strong odor or harsh chemical smell, and I felt like the surfaces were being thoroughly cleaned. It cut through grime and soap scum with no problem. I even used the cleaner on sections of the bathroom floor, like around the toilet, and felt as though it did a fairly thorough job. The only thing I didn't care for is how the product cleaned the mirror - it left streaks and resulted in me having to go over it again with a window cleaner to get rid of the streaks. Other than that, I am a fan of this cleaner and would definitely use it again, as well as tell my friends about it, as I know of quite a few people that are clean freaks like myself. #ZepCleansters #Sponsored #TryZep
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    June | 11/17/2014 7:11 AM
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant
    I got to try a free sample from Zep through Crowdtap. When I first used the disinfectant cleaner I chose to test it on my kitchen sink. I braced myself because I was expecting to be spraying some powerful fumes into my sink. I was pleased that the spray was not overpowering at all. I also liked that it disinfects so fast. I would recommend. #ZepCleansters #Sponsored
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Libby | 11/17/2014 7:41 AM
    Great Product
    I love how this product works. I had not heard of it until Crowdtap. I loved the samples I received. They cleaned easily. I didn't need to use my muscles because Zep did.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    JNielsen | 11/18/2014 1:38 AM
    SO fast, I love this product!
    I am in love with this product. The biggest perk - This kill 99.9% of bacteria in only 5 seconds! This product has cut my bathroom cleaning time in half! I no longer have to wait up to 10 minutes for other products to work!


    I received a sample from Zep #sponsored, but the opinions are my own.
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    Chronis98 | 11/18/2014 3:07 AM
    Super clean
    I would recommend this product. Every home should use this! #ZepCleansters # Sponsored
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    ElisseG | 11/18/2014 4:31 AM
    Excellent for cleaning/disinfecting bathrooms & kitchens
    We were very happy to be a part of the #ZepCleansters Crew via Crowdtap, and to get to try the Quick Clean Disinfectant at out home (which is also an inn), and we loved it! We used it primarily to clean our bathrooms, and we loved the way it cleaned and disinfected our sinks and antique claw foot bathtubs, which are very hard to get snow-white! And there was no harsh chemical small- many cleaners/disinfectants make me cough and make my eyes burn, but Zep does not! My husband used Zep Commercial Cleaner for years when he was Parts Manager for Mobil Corporate Aircraft, and he used it basically on everything- from aircraft exteriors and interiors to offices- and loved it- and it's GREAT that's it now available to consumers for home use! We will Definitely be buying more! #TryZep #Crowdtap #sponsored
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Kristin | 11/18/2014 6:55 AM
    Fast and Easy results
    I was really impressed with the Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant. I'm the only one who uses my bathroom, and apparently I'm gross. My sink especially had a mysterious purple ooze around the rim. Zep had no problem cleaning that right up. I also liked it wasn't an overpowering smell. This is a product I will now keep stocked in my home.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Irene | 11/18/2014 9:57 PM
    Great product
    I was selected to sample the Quick Clean Disinfectant from Crowdtap. I used it to clean my bathroom sink. There were no harsh fumes when I used the product. I like the instant results that once the surface dries it is clean and disinfected. Thanks Zep and Crowdtap #ZepCleansters, #Sponsored, #TryZep.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Jecca | 11/18/2014 10:35 PM
    Great Product!
    I received a sample of this from Crowdtap & Zep #Sponsored and I was pretty impressed. I tried it on my bathroom counter and it worked great. It left no filmy residue and had no harsh smell! I would definitely buy this for everyday quick cleaning and disinfecting. #ZepCleansters
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    AmyC | 11/19/2014 12:06 AM
    Great disinfectant!
    This is a great disinfectant to use all over your home! I love that it works so quickly! Especially during flu season, it's so important to get rid of germs. There isn't a strong chemical smell which is really important to me. I received this product from CrowdTap to review and I love it! #Sponsored #ZepCleansters # TryZep
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    Alice | 11/19/2014 3:20 AM
    This Stuff Really Works!
    I do the cleaning in my house but having a full-time job outside of home means that I don’t have a lot of time AND I don’t want to spend my weekends scrubbing the house. I’m always on a lookout for new cleaning products that can make my cleaning easier and less time consuming.

    When I receive samples from Zap to try their products I was eager to test them in my home. I can honestly say that I was surprised how effective they were .

    I used Quick Clean Disinfectant in the bathroom:
    - The cleaner is odorless. There was no any chemical smell or any other scents that many other cleaners use to mask the smell of chemicals used in the product.
    - I left Quick Clean Disinfectant on the surface for a few seconds and then scrubbed it. I didn’t have to scrub hard, just swiped with a clean rag. I couldn’t believe how much grease and dirt came of my sink and bathroom surfaces which looked fine to me before.

    I gave extra samples to my sister and my friend to try and see for themselves how effective Quick Clean Disinfectant is. I would DEFINITELY recommend Zep products. As for me I think I just found my favorite brand to clean the house! #Sponsored #ZepCleansters #TryZep
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    bobashep | 11/19/2014 5:52 AM
    Friendly for Folks With Allergies
    #zepcleansters I was given a #sponsored sample thanks to Crowdtap. My preferred method is Clorox wipes. Zep All-Around OXY and Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant in no Clorox Wipes. But that's a good thing and a okay thing. The Okay thing was that it didn't clean as deeply as the wipes. The good thing is that the Zep didn't upset my allergies or make me break out. I have terrible allergies and cleaning supplies kill me. This didn't. Now if Zep would only make wipes... 4 stars.
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    MechaSM | 11/19/2014 7:02 AM
    Love that there is no Harsh Smell
    It is an awesome cleaning product. It does the job with the harsh chemical smells. Spray, Wipe and done. Easy, I love it. It is also very versatile, I used it in my kitchen and bathroom every time I clean and I have noticed that it has become much easier to clean each time I use it.
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    Alissa | 11/19/2014 8:31 PM
    Great product
    I received a sample of Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant and it works great for a quick clean! If you need something to disinfect your kitchen or bathroom, this is it! #sponsored #zepcleansters
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    zsmasher | 11/19/2014 8:58 PM
    Quick, Clean and Germ Free
    With little free time, it's great to be able to enjoy a little more of it by having a tool that both cleans and disinfects.

    I received a sample of Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant and am quite pleased with the results.

    It has a light fragrance that is not overpowering and definitely cleans well. Knowing that it kills bacteria in 5 seconds gives me additional comfort, especially during Flu season.

    I give this a #ZepCleansters Thumbs Up! #Sponsored
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    AmandaR123 | 11/19/2014 11:15 PM
    Love It!
    I was luckily enough to receive a sample of this product and it came just in time for a big office move where cleaning my new desk needed to happen fast! This Quick Clean Disinfectant works really quickly (5 seconds, what product can beat that?!) and is odorless which is PERFECT for the work and home environment. I will definitely be purchasing this product in the future! #ZepCleaners #Sponsored
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    ELJAGUAR | 11/19/2014 11:24 PM
    Super Quick Clean
    I was one lucky to receive the Clean Like A Pro Zep Sampling from @Crowdtap. This product really works and i can prove it as you can see the picture that I uploaded. Zep's Quick Clean Disinfectant killed 99.9% of bacteria in just 5 seconds. Amazing right. Well I invite you to try this product and I bet you will love it as much as I do.
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    Taray116 | 11/19/2014 11:25 PM
    Great Product A++++
    Received this as a free sample! Love it! It cleans and disinfects! Like knowing my kitchen and bathroom are clean AND germ free!!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    adaltonsmith | 11/19/2014 11:32 PM
    Perfect for Cold & Flu Season
    I am so impressed with Zep's Quick Clean Disinfectant cleaner. I received a sample from Zep #Sponsored to try with my fellow #ZepCleansters . I have been looking for an alternative for the aerosol disinfectant sprays, such as Lysol, because they aggravate my son and husband's asthma especially in the Winter. When I read that Zep's Quick Clean Disinfectant only took 5 seconds to kill 99.9% of germs (with no aerosol) I knew I had found my cold & flu season cleaner! It works great and it is much easier on their asthma. It has little smell/fumes which is great! I am thrilled to find this product and just in time for the holidays!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    CourtneyM | 11/20/2014 1:04 AM
    Quick Clean Disinfectant
    Wow is all I can say! What a phenomenal cleaning product. I received a sample of this through Crowdtap to test it out and boy, am I happy I did! I like that it cleans very quickly and efficiently. It does a great job without leaving a terrible smell in the air. I will help protect my family and I from bacteria from now on with Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    auce99 | 11/20/2014 1:39 AM
    Great for a Quick Clean
    I'm not a happy cleaner - always dread cleaning because it's such a chore. But Zep's Quick Clean Disinfectant made the job a little less difficult, for those quick cleans between deep cleans. I's perfect for that quick wipe down before company comes over, and doesn't leave that persistent 'I just cleaned' scent all over. It doesn't do much for though tougher stains or build-up, but it made me feel better about having a clean house. Glad I got to sample this from Zep and #CrowdTap. #ZepCleansters #sponsored
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    Susie9129 | 11/20/2014 2:07 AM
    Sparkle & Shine
    After receiving a free sample from Zep, I have been using in the bathroom!!! I am in love with this product! It leaves my counter tops and faucets sparking and shiney!! It cleans things up so quickly and easily, makes housework much simpler. The best part is that it disinfects and kills bacteria in only 5 seconds!! How great is that with cold and flu season just around the corner??!!?? @ZepCommercial #ZepCleansters #TryZep #sponsored
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    alyhooper | 11/20/2014 3:21 AM
    quick and clean
    I used the zeps quick clean disinfectant everywhere in the house with it being cold and flu season. I received a sample from zep #sponsored#Zepcleansters
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    SarahJane | 11/20/2014 5:49 AM
    Good disinfectant, okay cleaner
    The product is a great disinfectant. However, I had some trouble cleaning with it. It didn't do deep stains like it said it would. However, I would use it for counter tops any day.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    thatthriftychick | 11/20/2014 7:32 AM
    great product
    I received this item from crowdtap/zep for review purposes.
    The first thing you notice is there is no strong gross chemical smell, which is a plus in my book. It's really easy to use, spray on, leave for a minute and it's easy to wipe away the mess. Not only is it cleaning but disinfecting and deodorizing. Which makes this products must have in the cleaning arsenal especially with cold/flu season coming up.
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    Alicha | 11/20/2014 8:52 PM
    I received this as a sample from Crowdtap. I love how it fights the toughest stains and kills 99.9% of germs. It is flu season and I love how it helps out around the house! It leaves my entire house looking new and freshly clean! Love how shiny it leaves things looking as well. I would recommend this to anyone!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Keisha | 11/20/2014 9:26 PM
    Quickly Cleans and Disinfects
    I am a part of the Crowdtap #ZepCleansters Team and received a free sample to try and review, but my opinions are my own. This product came at a great time being that it is cold and flu season. I used the product to disinfect my light switches, doorknobs, telephones and to also clean my bathrooms. The product does not leave surfaces soaking wet and does not have a harsh odor. It cleans well and has a quick disinfecting time. I will definitely continue to use this to keep my home germ free! #sponsored
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Blackstone | 11/20/2014 9:33 PM
    Living Worry Free!
    With all the germs and viruses around you can't be too clean. This is a great cleaner/disinfectant that doesn't leave any sticky or nasty residue. A nice pure clean. I received a sample from Zep and everyone in my family including my mom is loving this cleaner! #ZepCleansters, #Sponsored
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    Yess | 11/20/2014 10:13 PM
    If you have white furniture you need this
    I made the mistake of buying all white furniture for my 4 year old. She paints, colors, does her homework and all kinds of activities on this small white table and no matter how hard I cleaned it the stains never went away. Although there are still some spots after using the Quick Clean I am so satisfied with how clean it is.
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    Sicky | 11/20/2014 10:48 PM
    Very impressed. Wasn't expecting to be!
    Just as with the All-Around Oxy, I wasn't expecting this to be any different than all the other products I have. However, I was actually pretty impressed with it. First of all, the fact that it takes significantly LESS time to disinfect than all the others I have was a huge bonus. When I smelled the product for the first time, I was pleasantly surprised. It doesn't smell like ammonia or bleach or lemony or anything like all those other cleaners. I was so glad to finally have a cleaning product that didn't stink! Zep sent me samples through a website called WWW.CROWDTAP.COM. I think they made a fantastic decision choosing to join Crowdtap and provide many of us with a wonderful opportunity to try their products for the first time. They most definitely found a customer in me. The cleaning power, the smell, the time to disinfect, all 5 stars from me! #ZepCleansters #Sponsored
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    Queenie | 11/20/2014 10:56 PM
    Excellent Disinfectant
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant worked wonders in my bathroom. I love the fact that it kills 99.9% of germs in 5 seconds. My bathtub stains came out fast. I also tried it in the kitchen and used it on my cell to disinfect. #ZepCleansters #Sponsored #TryZep
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    PaulGP | 11/20/2014 11:13 PM
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant
    I get samples occasionally from a site called Crowdtap and I was given Zep to try. I liked the fact it was a small bottle;that it cleans,disinfects, and deodorizes, and kills cold and flu viruses especially during the late Fall and Winter season. I used this on doorknobs,remote control,telephones, and both kitchen and bathroom. #ZepCleansters This is a #Sponsored review. I would buy this product again and recommend it.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    TomC | 11/20/2014 11:38 PM
    Totally Awesome
    I received a sample of this product from Crowdtap. I love this product, it's so easy to use. Just spray, wait five seconds and wipe off (easy, peasy, japaneasy). It kills 99.9% of germs in 5 seconds. I used it to sanitize everything from our door handles, remote controls, to even the toilet seat. This spray is awesome. I already went out and bought more. This is a must in any household.
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    ShelleyB | 11/20/2014 11:41 PM
    knocks out stains and disinfects too
    I received a sample from Zep #Sponsored via Crowdtap to try. I decided to try it in the kitchen on a mess on the counter from chili. The spill was dried on but the Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant lifted it right off. Because there was tomato sauce involved, I expected a stain on the counter, but the Zep cleaner pulled that right up too! I was thrilled! I had to use very little and it powered right thru. Thanks for a great product that I will be buying in the future. #ZepCleansters
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    VirginiaH | 11/20/2014 11:59 PM
    You can smell the Clean!
    You can tell this product is disinfecting the moment you start using it. I love how clean it gets my bathroom and makes killing germs easy. I would recommend this product to anyone who wants to give their bathroom a clean germ killing good time. I received a sample from Zep.
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    RescueMom | 11/21/2014 1:07 AM
    Quick, easy and fresh scent
    First of all, I love that it doesn't have a strong odor. Most disinfectants make you feel like you are choking. You can spray a generous amount and not have to worry about inhaling it or tasting it. It's light and works quickly. I sprayed doorknobs, faucets, and other points of "hand" contact around the house. I even used it on stainless steel surfaces, like my refrigerator and dishwasher to get rid of smudges. I got this in a sample pack from Zep, but will definitely buy full sized. #ZepCleansters #Sponsored
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    lemerc | 11/21/2014 3:24 AM
    Great for Flu Season!
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant promises to clean, disinfectant and deodorize. It “cuts through tough grime and kills the cold and flu viruses.” It reminds me of Lysol. It smells the same… a nice clean scent, nothing too “chemical” smelling. It is a pretty good cleaner. It’s obviously for quick clean spots. It cleans little spots perfectly and quickly. I also really enjoy that it doesn’t leave behind residue and it leaves surfaces smooth. If you don’t want to use it as a cleaner, you can use it as you would Lysol, and spray it on hard surfaces to disinfect. That is how I’ve enjoyed it most. And more importantly, it’s flu season and I’m pretty germaphobic, so to say the least, Zep is my germ-busting BF! I keep it under the bathroom sink and at work in the desk for all my co-workers to use.
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    Stormy | 11/21/2014 4:05 AM
    Crowdtap Zep Quick Clean sample
    I used my sample that i received from crowdtap on my bathroom. The bathroom is always so hard to clean and always end up having to air it out after the harsh chemical smell. I love this product all i had to do was spray and wipe with a paper towel and everything wiped right off! No scrubbing or elbow grease involved!! Not only is it easy to use it has no odor whatsoever so i don't cough the entire time i clean!! I also used it on my dogs crate and it looks and smells like new! This is an amazing product, and i would totally recommend! #ZepCleansters #Sponsored
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    Aimee | 11/21/2014 6:47 AM
    Love it
    I received a sample and loved it. It worked really well. Would buy and use again.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    MinYe | 11/21/2014 10:56 PM
    It's Sanitizer for Your Home
    I loved using this product especially when I saw on the bottle that it helps remove germs that could cause cold and flu viruses. All I had to do was spray, wipe, and go over it with a wet cloth. The smell wasn't strong which was great and my tables even had a nice shine to them. I received this product to try for free compliments of Crowdtap. #Sponsored #ZepCleansters
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    Renee | 11/22/2014 12:30 AM
    Smells so clean
    I received a sample from ZEP #Sponsored . I used it to sanitize door handles, light switches, toilets, sinks and countertops. My kitchen sink is now germ free and clean. Great product. I recommend it to everybody. #ZepCleansters #TryZep #Sponsored
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    PhalonF | 11/22/2014 12:38 AM
    #ZepCleansters Review
    I really liked this product it worked fast on a tough job without a strong chemical odor.
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    michelle962 | 11/22/2014 7:19 AM
    Love it!
    With me suffering from I cold. I needed something to disinfect not only the Kitchen but the bathrooms well. It worked quickly. #ZepCleansters I received a sample from Zep #Sponsored. Thanks.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    RET101 | 5/26/2017 7:12 AM
    Works like a charm!
    I used Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant to clean my kitchen sink and counter tops today and this product is AWESOME! I normally use a powder cleaner to clean my stainless steel sink, but the Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant is my new go to cleaner! Spray it on, let it set for a few seconds and rinse! No residue and way less mess than my normal powder cleanser! Do yourself a favor and get this product! This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
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    Lauren | 5/27/2017 1:01 AM
    Loved this product, I just felt better after using it knowing that it truly disinfected my bathroom surfaces. You could almost see the germs disappear without an overwhelming odor. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
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    Lindse1986 | 5/27/2017 5:18 AM
    Totally works perfectly
    I would definitely recommend this product, it actually did what it's supposed to do!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Cleaner1986 | 5/27/2017 7:10 AM
    Love it
    I love that this is a 2 in 1 cleaner! It cuts through grease on my stove like you wouldn't believe!
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    Rktapper | 5/27/2017 10:15 PM
    Disinfects Great, Cleans Ok
    This is a great disinfectant and I use it at the end of any of my kitchen or bathroom cleaning sessions and it leaves everything smelling and feeling clean as a whistle. It's that quintessential clean smell that just makes you feel great and accomplished. It isn't much of a cleaner, and will only take off the lightest dirt unless you really put your back into it. For me it's like the "top coat" that finishes off a deep clean with something else. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    alaurenb22 | 5/27/2017 11:38 PM
    i am amazed by this cleaner!
    i have never used any Zep products before getting to sample them from Crowdtap. i had heard & seen reviews on them and always thought highly and now after trying them myself i think even more highly of the brand! this quick clean disinfectant does exactly what it says, it cleans & disinfects quickly! i tried this all over my house, from my kitchen to my bathroom and even the bar room in our home and it worked wonderfully everywhere! this cleaner left behind no residue or streaks and no harsh odors, only clean, disinfected surfaces! This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
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    Jo27 | 5/28/2017 5:01 AM
    Nothing wrong, nothing exceptional
    Didn't hate it, but also not wowed enough by it to seek it out\
    This post was sponsored by zep as part of a sampling activation for crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
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    Randalynn7 | 5/28/2017 11:46 PM
    No chemical scent after
    I love how this cleans up and how there is no chemic scent after! The product itself is great! I do feel like the packageing could use some work. I don't think I would know to purchase this over another brand based on the label. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
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    jimbo652s | 5/29/2017 8:09 AM
    Great Product
    This is a great product and does a great job.“This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Mike2 | 5/30/2017 6:34 AM
    I like this product
    “This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap like that it works great on everything
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    Meade | 5/30/2017 7:37 AM
    Good product!
    Excellent cleaning power and good scent with this product!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    PamelaB | 5/30/2017 7:38 AM
    clean Disenfective
    Your Review" PLEASE copy the following statement: “This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.” I loved this product and was pleased it kills germs
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Sabrinathesampler | 5/30/2017 8:44 AM
    Great product
    I receive this Z product for free as a sample for honest review on I really did like it you know I have kids so it's easier to come home call fan everything just sprayed around and kills all the bacteria and it kills 99.9% of bacteria so all you know always spray disinfectant spray does the smell is great that comes with it everything about this product is great. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
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    Mustanghall | 5/31/2017 4:20 AM
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.” Love the way it works
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    TeresaC | 5/31/2017 4:53 AM
    Zep works great
    I was so excited to use this it works awesome and I can't believe how great it was
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Rihereicome | 5/31/2017 8:56 AM
    Never saw my paper towel look so dirty!
    I received a free sample of this, and I must say I need to go buy this for my home. I spray my counter down everyday with spin and span, so when I received this I didn't think I was going to get much dirt and grime. I WAS WRONG. The paper towel was nearly black! I would definitely recommend this to friends and family.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Anonymous | 6/1/2017 12:10 AM
    Good product
    I love this product cleans well and no bad odor\
    And also very helpful in any occasion. Really clean quick
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Lowgee82 | 6/1/2017 12:40 AM
    I absolutely loved this oxy spray. It is so perfect for any kind of job. It does it all the jobs of all different kind of cleaners in one bottle. No need to have multiple cleaners. This one does it all. It smells good too. It smells really clean and makes me feel happy and confident about it being clean. It is noticable. It immediately starts working when you spray it on. It makes cleaning a lot easier. It really is wonderful product and I definitely recommend and will be purchasing a bigger bottle.\
    “This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a \
    sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.” i
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    NicoleElizabeth | 6/1/2017 12:55 AM
    Zep disinfectant works
    Wonderful to use when just moving into a new apartment and had to clean up a bit afternoon previous tenant! This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Miranda25 | 6/1/2017 9:12 PM
    Good cleaner
    This product is a great product. It cleaned my counter is less than 10 seconds and left a pleasant scent! I received this product free of charge for my honest opinion!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Ralph3rd | 6/2/2017 8:50 AM
    Great product
    It smells good while quickly killing germs immediately.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    teacherjen3 | 6/4/2017 12:45 AM
    Cleans and kills germs
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant cleans many different surfaces in my home. I used it to clean my kitchen and it easily cleaned off the dirt and grime on my counters and stove. It is easy to use and it cleans without much effort or scrubbing. \
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    CleanMachine | 6/4/2017 5:16 AM
    Works very well
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant will now be my go-to cleaning product for my kitchen as it works easily and quickly to clean and disinfect multiple surfaces. I have used it in my kitchen so far and was pleased with the results, which did not require any heavy scrubbing. I would recommend Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant for general household cleaning needs. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for CrowdTap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    DonnaB | 6/4/2017 9:31 PM
    Works Great
    I loved how this product worked in my kitchen and bathroom, however I am very sensitive to some smells and this was one that bothered me. I do like how it worked and will recommend it to others. I love that it kills so many germs.\
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    cheapsubscriber | 6/5/2017 12:48 AM
    Great product!
    The Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant works great. It comes in a easy to use spray bottle. You just have to spray at the surface, and then let it air dry or remove with paper towel. It has a nice “clean” scent, and disinfects the surface with little effort, killing germs and everything else within 5 seconds of contact. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Sjbrashear | 6/5/2017 4:07 AM
    Works great and easily! I use this on every surface in my home
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    sammysb | 6/5/2017 10:53 PM
    good work done
    its a disinfectant hence hard to tell the technicality of how much its working, but after cleansing I use it and i think its does its job. this does not smell toxic which is really nice
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    rburns92 | 6/5/2017 11:56 PM
    Great !
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review. I have thoroughly enjoyed using my sample of the Quick Disinfectant. It has been such a relief to know that I can spray it on every surface and wipe away knowing that so many germs are no longer in that space. Being a mom to a young boy, there is always mud, boogers and who knows what else all over the counters and throughout the house. This has worked wonders both on the surface and for my peace of mind.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    glittermom5 | 6/6/2017 3:06 AM
    love the way it cleans
    We love the way it cleans an how it works really great everyone should try it..
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Logansmommy0611 | 6/6/2017 7:17 AM
    Effective Multipurpose Cleaner
    I was really impressed with this product. I loved how it could be used in various ways and was not limiting. I was really impressed with the power it had to clean in both the bathroom and the kitchen with a special focus on its ability to remove grime from the bathroom. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    purplequeen | 6/7/2017 12:30 AM
    this product has great features
    it works great used it in the bathroom made the counters shiny
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    medicgirlgreen | 6/7/2017 2:25 AM
    Works Great
    I had never used Zep Quick Clean before. I loved how easy it is to use. I am getting an easy, great clean while disinfecting my bathroom and kitchen. I feel good knowing I am killing germs when I clean. I would use this as a regular cleaner in my home. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    christycat02 | 6/7/2017 3:17 AM
    Easy to use
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant is easy to use: just spray on the surface, wait a few minutes, and wipe clean!\
    *This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
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    Rakesh | 6/7/2017 9:43 PM
    Love the Quick Clean Disinfectant of Zep
    The result was amazing, received samples of #ZEP Quick clean Disinfectant and I am happy to say that I love this product. it cleans and kills germs at the same time, i dont have to worry about peoples germs on my stuff.\
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Jesse | 6/7/2017 10:14 PM
    Does the job, not too harsh.
    While I wasn't impressed with the overall appearance after cleaning, there were some streaks, the product did an acceptable job cleaning and didn't give off any harsh fumes.\
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    JenniferCastaneda | 6/8/2017 4:58 AM
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.” i never used Zed quick clean disinfecting before & I'm glad i did because i like that it doesn't have a stronchemical smell like most of them do & how clean it left my counters.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    savinsister | 6/8/2017 9:02 PM
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectants is great !
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant works really well. I used it on my countertops and it was great. It cleans and disinfects like a champ ! It does not leave a greasy to sticky residue and the smell is pleasant as well. I would recommend this product to others. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    chelseaacole | 6/9/2017 2:38 AM
    Quick Clean
    This product is a must have, must use, must buy! It kills germs on surface in a matter of seconds after its sprayed on. It leaves your surface clean. The best part is there is no strong odor and it doesn't take your breath away! I received this product complimentary from CrowdTap in return for my honest review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    DColeman | 6/11/2017 5:06 AM
    Better Than GermX
    i Love this stuff! i mostly use on the toilets at work before i sit on them! its amazing. i also spray on the beds and couches in my home when our son is sick and it really helps with keeping the cold/flu from spreading. really enjoyed this honestly. i told lots of family and friends about how great t was. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Joan114 | 6/11/2017 10:00 PM
    Love this Zep
    Love how this is 1 cleaner and not several cleaning products. It has a light smell not strong in how u just slray and let set a few minutes then wipe clean.leaves surface sqeeky clean and shiny. “This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Ashinezz | 6/11/2017 11:51 PM
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review. I like this product , worked well for the sample that I received. It did have a strong odor to it and the spray bottle for the sample was a bit bother some. But all in all this product cleaned very well.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    AdorkableKayBee | 6/12/2017 3:15 AM
    Couldn't be a better clean
    I love how quickly I can clean with this cleaner and how well it actually cleans!! Beautiful shine to the surface as well!! This post was sponsored by Zip as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
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    OnAMommyClock | 6/13/2017 1:28 AM
    Clean in a ZEP
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.\
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant was great to have. A quick spritz through the house on kids toys and items that I cant normally clean. The smell has a tad bit of a unkind alcohol scent. Fades away once dried. I used on furniture and counter tops to disinfect from everyday life.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Amille | 6/13/2017 3:27 AM
    Love it!!
    I can't wait to buy this! It is really amazing and gets deep into the grime!! This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Aspen83 | 6/14/2017 12:03 AM
    Works well
    I found with Quick Clean Disinfectant that it does work, took me cleaning my table 2 times to get the results I wanted, I felt that the product dried really quick which is good unless you get sidetracked after spraying it on the surface. I will continue to use this product as I do feel it is a great disinfectant! This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Tisha5311 | 6/14/2017 1:22 AM
    Disinfects the Mess!!!
    “This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.” This Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant deodorized and disinfected my toughest residue & grime, it worked wonders and I highly recommend this for all your household needs!!!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    viviselphie | 6/14/2017 1:26 AM
    Quick & easy
    Like it's name, this disinfectant is quick and easy. I use it on my counters, table tops and stove top to get clean surfaces. Cleaning is a snap with Zep Quick Easy Disinfectant!\
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Erin518 | 6/14/2017 4:41 AM
    Awesome household disinfectant!
    I'm really happy with Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant. I used it everywhere in my kitchen, bathroom and laundry room to help clean, disinfect and deodorize surfaces that may get dirty or collect germs. The smell from the cleaner isn't overpowering at all, which is a good thing. I will definitely purchase this in the future! This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Vpintado3 | 6/14/2017 7:08 AM
    This product is awesome
    With Zep quick clean disinfectant you can clean all surfaces disinfect, deodorizes and cut through tough grime . Kills viruses of cold and flu and bacteria in just five seconds. You just have to spray and wipe with a dry paper towel and that's it. It's excellent when you have kids at home.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Tresabee | 6/15/2017 3:34 AM
    I received three of the Zep products in exchange for my review and I am not disappointed all three do exactly what they say they're going to do they clean disinfect and smell great I definitely am recommending to anyone who wants to try
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Nikkijayzee | 6/15/2017 8:01 AM
    Works great.
    This review is sponsored by Zep as included in a Crowdtap Activity. I did recieve free samples to facilitate my review. This disinfectant works super well. However I do believe that there are other products on the market that works the same way and are less expensive than this one. It does the job but its not anything amazing.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Julianna89 | 6/15/2017 9:02 PM
    Great for cleaning up messes quickly!
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review. I really liked using this product, and would definitely purchase again in the future. I used it on my kitchen counters and tables and it worked great! Messes gone!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Mandy24 | 6/15/2017 9:49 PM
    Great Disinfectant
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.It was so easy to use and clean up. There was no strong odor.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    RADmom | 6/15/2017 11:38 PM
    Worked Well
    The cleaning products worked well. Didnt love the smell but overall good product. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    SueC | 6/16/2017 12:12 AM
    Great product
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review. \
    The product cleaned well, especially in the kitchen. I enjoyed using this brand and I would use it again.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    PShank | 6/16/2017 12:56 AM
    Very pleased!
    I used this in the kitchen, and in my bathroom. It was strong and it worked great! \
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review
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    AlexandraA12 | 6/16/2017 3:19 AM
    Go Buy This Now
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review. I love this product, really I do!! And I will continue to purchase it from now on. It works great, kills germs and smells nice and clean! If you haven't tried this product yet, I'd definitely suggest you go and get some!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Steff | 6/16/2017 5:34 AM
    Wonderful cleaner!
    I really have it the test!! I cleaned the top of the fridge at my mother in laws!! I know she can't reach and it needed to be done! I was pleasantly surprised how well it worked!! I sprayed, let it sit, and years of grime, dust, and spilled god-knows-what... came right off!!! Highly recommend!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    twizted | 6/16/2017 8:17 AM
    love it
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.” this stuff is helps kill germs like colds and flu disinfects, deodorizes,cleans and cuts through tough grime. i def recommend.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    SROSADO | 6/16/2017 8:55 AM
    results very fast I use in my kitchen and the smell i so good
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Renee87 | 6/16/2017 9:34 PM
    Really works!
    I loved Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant. I have two yound children at home so I am extra careful about disinfecting for the cold and flu virus. Not only does this clean but it disinfects as well. A busy mom loves a product that knocks out two birds with one stone. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Amanda137 | 6/17/2017 4:40 AM
    Love It!
    Love how well this works for me! This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    TemporaryWaffle | 6/17/2017 5:51 AM
    Cleaning All The Rooms!
    I was pleased in using Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant and knowing it is killing bacteria within just seconds of time. It leaves the counter-tops clean and is also the perfect cleaner for the bathroom.. It's a great product!\
    *This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    drrkdragon | 6/18/2017 10:22 PM
    This product is my favorite!
    This product done miracles in my bathroom. I will definitely be using it more often!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    sam311 | 6/19/2017 5:08 AM
    great product
    this is a great product works well really does a good job I would use all the time.“This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.” in your review
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    Kellycrisp | 6/19/2017 8:24 AM
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review. I use this about once a week in my sons bedroom. I mostly use it only as a germ killer. So for it works well I suppose. I am not a germ so I can't really tell you if it works but my son hasn't gotten sick since I've started using it and we all feel a little bit more clean.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Behlau | 6/20/2017 12:24 AM
    Works Wonders
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”\
    I love this product , was hesitate at first to try it. But after using it my sink was so clean and white and smell fresh.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Annarac | 6/20/2017 2:05 AM
    Makes Cleaning Fun
    I loved this product! There is a pleasant scent, nothing strong or chemical smelling. The product cleans and disinfects while wiping away easily. It doesn't leave behind any kind of greasy or sticky film. I enjoyed cleaning my house with this product and would gladly use it again! \
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    JesR | 6/20/2017 3:26 AM
    Great Cleaner
    I really enjoyed this cleaner. The smell was minimal compared to other brands I have used in the past and it worked well on my bathroom dirt. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
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    Desqui | 6/20/2017 3:56 AM
    Used this on my granite, loved it took off all the dried up spaghetti sauce from the night before and left it sparkling.
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    Sston011 | 6/20/2017 8:33 AM
    I love it
    It cleans, disinfects and smells great! This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Mommaof3 | 6/20/2017 11:50 PM
    Great products
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant helps kill the cold and flu virus and bacteria. The Post Was Sponsored By Zep as a part of a sampling of for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Hj123 | 6/21/2017 12:04 AM
    Quick and easy
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.” in your review.\
    This was easy to use and I trust the cleaning power of zep.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    DSGosha | 6/21/2017 12:54 AM
    Quick and Amazing!
    I love how this disinfectant didn't have an overpowering scent, but it handled any mess I threw its way. It truly conquered all my tough messes. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Motherbzzr | 6/21/2017 2:09 AM
    Clean, Disinfected and Deodorized!
    I used this product to wash down the kitchen counters and it worked wonderfully! It left the counters clean, disinfected and deodorized as advertised. The kitchen smells fresh and looks great!\
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review
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    marij6905 | 6/21/2017 5:30 AM
    No Effort Clean
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.\
    I used this product on a set in coffee stain that I've been trying to clean for awhile. I sprayed this on and the stain was gone with one wipe! I really like that I didn't have to scrub for hours. This makes cleaning fun! I will keep this on hand!
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    CoreyH | 6/21/2017 8:43 AM
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant is a great product
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant works well, and doesn't leave a medicinal odor. Great for cleaning around the kitchen or bathroom. Recommended. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    jackybrice | 6/21/2017 8:44 AM
    Good cleaner
    I was impressed with this cleaner, it worked well and smelled good.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Dukel2 | 6/21/2017 10:12 PM
    Great product!
    Being somewhat unfamiliar with Zep's cleaning products I was pleasantly surprised with the performance of this cleaner. This was a very powerful cleaner that cleaned everything I used it on. It cleaned a lot of outside things and was very good I'm cleaning the bathroom. Very happy with this product and will purchase in the future. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    dholla | 6/21/2017 10:14 PM
    Great cleaner
    This stuff is great. Cleans really well. Quick and easy to disinfect any area of the house. Smells good but not too strong. I'd definitely recommend it. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    RosalindaJay | 6/21/2017 11:01 PM
    Really great!
    A really great disinfectant!! I used it in my restroom, and kitchen! It cleaned perfectly! Especially for keeping up with the germs and kids! \
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Jenniem05 | 6/21/2017 11:13 PM
    Great Product!
    Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant worked great! It cleans and really does deodorize! It definitely got rid of some yucky smells for me! I really like the sanitary smell. I love that just a quick spray can kill cold and flu viruses! This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    naasa | 6/22/2017 2:12 AM
    not bad
    found it useful in cleaning my kitchen sink!lovely..amazing...had a good clening session
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    TimmyD | 6/22/2017 3:34 AM
    This is a must have
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.\
    This stuff will leave your bathtubs,counter, etc looking like NEW! It got everything looking nice and clean and disinfected too.Everything is now sparkling clean and smells great
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Auntjacque76 | 6/22/2017 4:30 AM
    Zep Quick clean disinfectant is amazing!!
    this "little " 4oz Zep quick clean disinfectant is AMAZING!! Super powerful disinfectant and usually a small amount does the job! Great job Zep! My first time trying your products! Very satisfied!! \
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Jaden01 | 6/22/2017 6:43 AM
    Great cleaner
    This product is great! I used it on my counters and it was able to remove all the dripped ketchup and grease with ease. I don't think it smelled too strong either, which is a plus. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Nikki21 | 6/22/2017 6:59 AM
    Cleans great
    Clean, Disinfect, & Deodorize, in one easy step. Quick Clean Disinfectant Kills 99.9% of bacteria in just 5 seconds.\
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    kkittybird | 6/22/2017 7:40 AM
    cleaning and disinfecting
    This cleaner really gets the job done and disinfects. It's easy to use; just spray and then wipe the dirt away. I like that it didn't have any harsh fumes and kills most bacteria. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Londyis | 6/22/2017 8:13 AM
    Londyis Quick Clean
    Quick Clean Disinfectant is a one-step cleaning. I love that it disinfects, and deodorizes. Quick Clean Disinfectant Kills 99.9 percent of bacteria in just 5 seconds. I used this on my glass stove after it being splattered with grease and it has been by far the best product cutting through the grease. It cleans and disinfects any room in the house. I love the clean fresh scent it leaves behind. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Granna4 | 6/22/2017 9:45 PM
    Love it
    I love that it disinfects my kitchen counters. I feel better about my grandson touching the counters knowing that the gems from meats and ect are really cleaned off. I also used it to disinfect my kitchen sink. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Emandtray | 6/22/2017 10:03 PM
    Great product to disinfect
    Love this product and would use it again for any disinfectant needs that I have. Everyone should try it. This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (0/0)
    Jess310 | 6/23/2017 8:47 AM
    Works as good or better than the names you know
    Not only did this product work effectively, it did not leave any lingering chemical smell or residue. I felt comfortable using on surfaces for meal prep. I love that it not only cleans but disinfects!\
    This post was sponsored by Zep as part of a sampling activation for Crowdtap. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
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